Publié le 13 Septembre 2014

Listening to audiobooks maybe for the mere pleasure of reading... or listening to a story over and over again... and that's only one of the many ways and uses of audiobooks... Students may also listen to the recording of a book as audiobook... so as to...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Teaching - Training & Coaching in Words


Publié le 1 Septembre 2014

There was a time when publishers scouted new talents... and helped them gain readership while developing their talents... most of the traditional publishing houses started there... revealing great writers to the whole world... authors we couldn't live...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU


Publié le 23 Août 2014

What students will need more than anything is keeping their level and command of the language up to scratch… This should not be difficult for students who have chosen to go and live in an English speaking country as they will be exposed to English they...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Teaching - Training & Coaching in Words


Publié le 23 Août 2014

English doesn’t stop at lessons and books and exercises. In life everything moves on… one way or the other… if it’s not forward it’ll be backward… If you don’t change everything else will… because time waits for no one… and time flies ! Don’t blame yourself…...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Teaching - Training & Coaching in Words


Publié le 17 Août 2014

Just as I think excision for women is a crime... circumcision is a violation of the individual right ... The body experience is a personal experience to be enjoyed by the individual and should not be dictated by anyone be it a religion authority... I...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU


Publié le 16 Août 2014

I remember this couple from the eighties on the disco floors… Peaches and Herb… they sang their love away to the disco beat… where are they now… they really had class and even their sleeves were artful… we lived our love to them… and our nights were our...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Musique - Music


Publié le 12 Août 2014

My feeling is we've got to sign and share petitions when it comes the environment and food... because the environment is everywhere and concerns everyone ! We all live on the one planet and we're all in this together... near or far... no matter where...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU


Publié le 31 Juillet 2014

As a student, I worked in restaurants... sometimes as a chef or mostly as a waiter... coming from a family of restauranteurs, I had both the knowledge and the experience... I knew Italian cuisine like the back of my hand -having lived with Italians for...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU


Publié le 29 Juillet 2014

Audiobooks are becoming more and more popular among certain circles... Sight impaired and disabled people, frequent travellers and flyers and commuters to start with but also with people -like me and me- who regularly like to be told a good story... In...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Teaching - Training & Coaching in Words


Publié le 17 Juillet 2014

I never saw the point in the stubborn interest my reggae fan friends saw in all those songs, the fight, the cause… for the Rastafari… until one day, I took the time to listen to their songs… little did I know then that my concern for the freedom fighters...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU
