Changing Course

Publié le 13 Janvier 2014

On a few occasions have I had students who confided in me to say they were actually leaving the company and changing jobs… which meant their course had to be revisited or even redesigned… to serve their new needs in their future jobs…

That is one of the facts the teacher has to face and must show reactivity.


The best option here is to go back to square one from where they’re at now… to revisit the priorities and outline a new design of needs to work on and objectives to be reached… and take it from there…

Often you’ll find that your students have by now reached a level of confidence where they even let more on… which can turn out to be a mutually fruitful benefit…


Changing course may mean for the Director of Studies changing teachers…



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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Teaching - Training & Coaching in Words

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