Save Time !

Publié le 14 Janvier 2014


* do not waste time on anybody or anything that doesn't take interest in you

* do not register with sites that don't work and lead nowhere

* do not buy from businesses that offer no direct contact facility to customer services

leave aside all complicated contacts or relationships who lead nowhere

* keep away from anyone or anything that doesn't follow you regularly

* ignore all those who only want your time or money

* don't not answer nor pass chain letters or messages...

* do not communicate with people who don't

* do not do anything that is not constructive and mutually fruitful one way or another

because those people save time that way doing precisely the above... even when they come to you for more !

Tailor and trim down your life and actions down to that !


Remember relationships work both ways... or they don't !




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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Teaching - Training & Coaching in Words

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