Equal Opportunities

Publié le 30 Avril 2014

In these days when gender equality is claiming and gaining more ground in our society... and women are gnawing a bigger and bigger share into the world’s cake… I cannot fathom why -for the life of me- whenever I order from a catalogue I get regendered as Mrs, Miss or Ms… to think a few decades ago women couldn’t breather -let alone buy- from anywhere without their husband’s or father’s consent…

Further still... they insist on sending me special offers for dresses, lingerie and stiletto hill shoes –nothing I have ever disclosed to have ever worn- nice flowery curtains, jewelry and handbags… repeatedly in specially tailored catalogue at special retuning customer offers…

My advice would be that those catalogues –who employ mostly women- recruit an equal number of men… in the hope they would one day understand we men do not buy such items –even at discount prices…

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

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