Translations and translators

Publié le 2 Mai 2014

Translating is not merely or solely the act of passing a message from one language into another through an exchange of words...

It is the work of a specialist who can also interpret the cultural... as well as the verbal and technical content in context...

The best translator is the one who not only has studied language but has lived and worked in the various cultures he has to deal with...

That excludes online translation tools... which too often still miss the whole point altogether...

My experience is multilingual as well as multicultural...

I write and translate in those languages and read in many more... I have lived in many countries and dealt with many cultures at home and abroad... and all this has stretched my experience and knowledge well beyond my original offer...

I offer quality translations from and into French, Italian and English... which take all this into account and so much more...

My translations are complete ready-to-print documents... whether in business and technical or general contexts... from manuals and websites, brochures and catalogues, legal, administrative and commercial communication...


Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Présentation - Introduction

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