
Publié le 29 Décembre 2013

English is a language to be reckoned with in today’s -and tomorrow’s- business world.


English is THE language of international communication.

Whether for business or pleasure you’ll need English one day and sooner than later…

The market of English is beyond a writer’s wildest dreams !

English teaching material and course books come by the score and yet are just missing that point that teaching material cannot reach…

Something had to be done about it and here is a successful way to take the pain out of the gain.


Millions of people all over the world learn English every year.

Books and teaching material abound and most of them are good too yet they miss the element of pleasure essential to any learning… Every week I meet people who arrive beaten and leave with a smile on their face… There is a capital niche that no one has ever tackled seriously !


English is the key to a better job… a better salary… a better life !


English is not -contrarily to common belief- a hard language to master only the training process must follow certain rules and good practices as we will see further.

And strangely enough, English is probably, in a sense more than Italian, the language of music !


As a language teacher, communication trainer and coach, I get to meet dozens of people who need to either learn or brush up and further their command of English every month.

Sadly to date most teachers, trainers and coaches do not have the necessary experience and training to ensure that you can meet objectives and repeat good business.

Most learners are put off by their lack of progress, lack of confidence, lack of command and give up and / or change training centres… until some of them even find their way to me and… break out into a ‘With YOU I can !

I have to tell them that they always could only they had not met the right person to help them get there…

Learners come to me year after year and recommend my courses. Do yours ?


They come to me with the objective of better performance and leave with a better grasp and command of English and so much more…


In this book we will look at what learning and teaching comprises involves and entails and what further means we can implement in our approach to help our learners and trainees improve their learning skills as well as their results.


This book should rule the roost of your course !



English is a very rich crazy language.


Looking at the language for the first time one would think this illegitimate bastard of both Saxon and Latin languages -not to mention all the other shareholding languages- did everything possible to make this language impossible…


The mere diversity of it speaks volumes against attempting to learn it and volumes have certainly been written about… often by the most learned people… never to really find neither reason nor rhyme… and forget the hope of ever finding a solution to ever make student –friendly…

Take one look at it and you’d think it was designed to discourage invasion of its motherland… whoever thought a language like English up was obviously a die-hard practical joker or had no sense of language and communication… or both !


To top it all every country that uses English as national or official language has its own version… with its own updates… you’d think everything has been done to challenge you… or discourage even… mad dogs and Englishmen !

Where angels fear to tread…

Abandon all hope ye who enter here… maybe Dante was right after all…


And yet everybody wants to learn it !

Beat that for a challenge and a half !


Most of the original language spoken in the British Isles today has been wiped out by the waves of invaders and settlers from over the waves… who in turn have enriched and shaped the English spoken and taught today…




English has staying power.


It has enormous potential and is more than highly adaptable… more than can be said about many a language I can think of… and I can think of quite a few… believe me !


More than three quarters of what is going round over the Internet is in English…

It is the most popular the most spoken language when you think of native speakers and second language speakers…

And it is certainly the first international global language everybody learns and uses.

Anything published in the medical and scientific research field is published in English.

Anyone whose work is if only remotely connected to air traffic and transport speaks it.

The whole world has lost counting the number of songs written in English often by non-native speakers.

Talk about a high return on investment !



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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Teaching - Training & Coaching in Words

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The peculiarity of the English language is its popularity. If you go to study abroad, the English - mandatory! Millions of people have been successful, due to the knowledge of a foreign language!