Teaching With Books

Publié le 29 Décembre 2013

Teaching with books will take on many varied aspects.

Course books are the staple diet of most teachers and remain a priority… and each student must have his / her own copy…


I recommend choosing a good course book especially in the lower levels… that encompasses the four basic skills of language learning… that should be the foundation of every course.

The course book is the first notebook for the students… so it is essential that it is chosen with the utmost care…


The ideal course book with be both attractive and efficient…

It should offer the students a book content with both vocabulary and grammar progression… as well as audio material… that follows the same offer…

The lessons should be clearly laid out and not too long…


  • The PowerBase or Best Practice course books series offers a very good collection from Beginner to Pre-Intermediate levels…
  • while The Working Week offers very good material for pre-Intermediate to intermediate levels…
  • In a different style Double Dealing from Elementary to Pre-Intermediate levels… although long winded… offer good material with a good story line…
  • International Express at Pre-intermediate and Intermediate levels offer a good story makes a good introduction to Project management courses…


Eventually extra collateral material may be added to supplement the course book as per needs and objectives…

This is for language course books but of course literature offers wonderful opportunities and great material too…


Literature is indeed a wonderful way of supplementing a course through both learning and pleasure… whole books are a totally new adventure for the language learner… loosing oneself in a long stretch of text for hours on end… enjoying the ride all the way and the pleasure to be able to take on extensive reading…and the likes of Michael Crichton, John Grisham, or Joanne Harris to name but a few make great support…


Again start easy… there’s no rush… extracts will do to begin with… poetry –like songs- offers short texts…

When reading a book for the first time in English the reader should not stop at every word… but read through as much as can be done… then read the book again for further study and enjoyment…

Another good idea would be to read in groups and share experiences… reading and commenting and suchlike…

Books… and Audiobooks



Audiobooks are becoming more and more popular among certain circles...

Sight impaired and disabled people, frequent travellers and flyers and commuters to start with but also with people -like me- who regularly like to be told a good story...


In our days of frenzied activity and extreme portability many people don't find the time to sit down and relax reading a book...


Listening to an audiobook is not solely the mere pleasure of listening to a good story...

Audiobooks offer teaching facility and the option of listening to your favourite book over and over without the effort of turning the pages even...

They are also great with children who don't read... but enjoy listening to a story...

Audiobooks present the opportunity of discovering books to be read again later... or to listen to books read in the past...


Audiobooks come in many formats most of which are easily loaded or downloaded onto most mp3 players or smartphones... or even tablets and phablets !


Remember next time you're going anywhere take an audiobooks along !


Teachers may also benefit from audio books… both out of and in the classroom… offering audio workshops for listening comprehension… story telling and developing… rehearsing roles for role play workshops… practising phonetics… revising lessons or homework… there’s no end to the advantages of audio books !


And of course there all my other books… to help teacher in and around the classroom :


Stories For English (also an audiobook read by Tory L. WILSON)

Stories For French

Singin’ To English

The Comprehensive Teacher (also an audiobook read by Maxine LENNON)

Business English Test

Paris Passion

Finger Licking Good

Plain Sailing



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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Teaching - Training & Coaching in Words

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