Mother Of Stars - A Boreal Tale

Publié le 14 Juin 2015

Short story in English
Short story in English

Until one day there came a man who walked the sky … and the man was all black and the man was all night… the man was good and so the woman fell in love… although she didn’t know him… the light fell in love with the dark… their love was strong… and their love grew stronger and stronger…

Their love grew so strong that the woman decided to blend into the man so as to show her love to her love… her whiteness –her lightness- disappeared into his blackness –his darkness- and that felt alright… and that felt all night should be light as the night…

Then she decided to taint the picture of her black love with patches of white… patches of light… and so the stars were born in the sky and so the stars were hung high in the sky… and they decided to create the world and its creatures so they could watch their love forever…

They stood -and still stand- in awe and wonder at the sky in the deepest night… they wonder at the beauty of the whole show of the starlit sky… they tell tales of her ways and means… and thank the creator of this marvel… and to this day they call her Mother of Stars…


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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Littérature - Literature

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