Spinster Stories - Noah's Ark

Publié le 29 Juillet 2016

Noah’s Ark

On my daily ‘early morning-late evening’ run into out of the city… riding the bumpy overcrowded suburban train in a daze… feeling like death warmed up… we pass a modern building running along the tracks…

Now I liked that building… I couldn’t look at it without thinking Noah’s Ark… a private name a private thought I never shared with anybody… my mum had come over a couple of times to pay visit and stay with me… and one day riding the train into the city… I mentioned that building as we rode by… ‘Yeah, she answered, Noah’s Ark…’ I was lost… lost for words… how serendipitous !


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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Littérature - Literature

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