No Teaching !

Publié le 19 Juin 2015

A guide book for English teachers
A guide book for English teachers

The older I get the more shocked I am at seeing and hearing how incompetent English teachers are...

I get to hear them and about them all the time... and it's obvious that most of them couldn't teach to save their life !

I will pass on those English teachers who were only given a job because they were natives... which is no qualification to teach... or else the whole world population is full of teachers !

I have a colleague who has been teaching for 40 years using the same book ! Regardless of whatever level her students were and what their objectives were...

I taught for almost 10 years in a school where English teachers picked a newspaper at their local newsstand on their way to work... and did the ska e article with all their students all day... again regardless of whatever level their students were and what their objectives were...

​I regularly hear of teachers who had their students watch a film for a lesson... leaving aside the fact that to really understand a film means you're bilingual... and the fact that the film was totally irrelevant to what the students needed...

I have also found that teachers who have trained for TEFL are too often no better...

Let's just remember that teaching is a highly qualified job when done properly...

Teachers should learn all the time and should learn for and from their teaching...

Teaching presupposes and audit of the student's level, needs and objectives... from which should be designed a proper tailored course... with regular meetings and suitable and relevant material and support (often one single book as multiple supports only end up confusing students)... for want of which the teacher is not teaching... and the students should ask to change teachers !


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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Teaching - Training & Coaching in Words

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