litterature - literature

Publié le 24 Février 2016

From the beginning of our long relationship my ex had this recurring dream of having to choose between three melons… and not being able to make up his mind… Having studied sleep and dreams I told him that a melon is round, soft and sweet as love… and...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Littérature - Literature


Publié le 13 Février 2016

As far back as I can remember my mother had always told me I was born the day after Prince Andrew and the day before the son of Reza Pahlavi… or the other way round… and that was how I got my middle name… which means Master or King… not that it made any...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Littérature - Literature


Publié le 21 Janvier 2016

I submitted a piece of my writing for an inclusion in an anthology a few months ago… and they wrote back to say how the appreciated the originality of my work… and recently I got en email from them telling me that my work was too original to be included…...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Littérature - Literature


Publié le 24 Décembre 2015

Eventually came the call so long awaited… and yes it was I and yes I was… We agreed to meet at our earliest convenience… And I’m waiting… expecting her now… the music is like hovering about the place… and I’m like floating… dizzy… drunk yet I haven’t...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Littérature - Literature


Publié le 24 Décembre 2015

Arriva enfin le coup de fil désespéré tant espéré… et oui c’était moi et oui c’était bien moi… Nous décidâmes de nous rencontrer au plus tôt… Et me voilà là… à l’attendre… la musique semble planer au-dessus de nous… et je me sens comme flotter… comme...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Littérature - Literature


Publié le 25 Novembre 2015

A woman’s Day is never done they say… Especially women… Women have that eerie ability of living many lives in one… which would akin them to cats… and accounts for yet another reason why I know them so well… A collection of stories to pay tribute to their...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Littérature - Literature


Publié le 24 Novembre 2015

Ordinary lives are nothing short of the extraordinary… Chronicles For English continues the series started with Stories For English and More Stories For English in a read and learn, read and practice, read and study way… Chronicles For English provides...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Teaching - Training & Coaching in Words, #Littérature - Literature


Publié le 9 Novembre 2015

As a writer I find it impossible to meet all the requirements (one per magazine and/or publisher) as request by publishers and magazines... as they each have their own petty little commandments writers should to meet to submit their work… which compel...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Littérature - Literature


Publié le 6 Novembre 2015

The first book man ever wrote remains on the wall of a cave in southern France or southern Spain… or elsewhere... or anywhere… the first time he was able to leave a trace to communicate to later generations… further brothers and sisters… distant cousins...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Littérature - Literature


Publié le 14 Juin 2015

Until one day there came a man who walked the sky … and the man was all black and the man was all night… the man was good and so the woman fell in love… although she didn’t know him… the light fell in love with the dark… their love was strong… and their...

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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Littérature - Literature
