The Ups And Downs Of The Music World (excerpts)

Publié le 23 Juin 2013

Art is a challenging to assess at best …


There’s no accounting for taste they’ll tell you and it takes all sorts to make a world…


Music does not escape that…

And if talent doesn’t mean success and success is no guarantee of talent we can witness and endorse the whims of the stirring moving and shaking world of arts…


Here are some curios…


Patrick HERNANDEZ made history in the music business when he broke the score of the best selling singles of all times over the years as much as at the time of issue… but could never sell any other songs after that… no matter how many he recorded and produced…


Some artists will hardly ever score hits and sell single efforts while they will fill the biggest venues and concert halls in a heartbeat… like Joan ARMATRADING…


Other artists will score hit after hit and never break the stage barrier… such as Diana ROSS and yet she’s wonderful to see live…


Recently Daft Punk issued their latest album scoring more than honourable sales the first week to plummet in the second week…

I was discussing this with a client in the music business and told him some people will just enjoy great support from fan following but for some unknown unfathomable reason will never go past that mark…

Same goes for pop band Superbus who sold more than reasonably well on their own and found themselves worse off once they got signed by a major company at last…


There are also artists people love who will cause commotion everywhere and anywhere they’ll go… their every show will be followed and fans will hardly ever spend a penny on them…


There are artists people love to hate people and the media will rant and rave about and yet never sell… they’re just… people ! Jet setters…


Others still will do extremely in their market at home or in a foreign country and will never make it anywhere else… although all their likes shot to stardom…. like Middle Of The Road did… or rather didn’t…

While others will get no end of airplay and hardly sell a copy !


Life is a mystery and art is a mystery…

There’s no accounting for taste… and there’s no telling what success is to come or not… or how when indeed it does…

People are unpredictable and there’s no telling what will please or displease them…




and in audio

Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Présentation - Introduction

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