Those Doggone Dogs

Publié le 6 Mai 2022

May be an image of text that says "WORDWOOZE PUBLISHING THOSE DOGGONE ALBERT PAYSON TERHUNE DOGS JEAN-MARIE STINE A Tribute in Prose & Poetry to Our Canine Friends"

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This collection pays tribute in story and verse to our four-footed canine friends―those doggone dogs. You will find every kind of dog: loyal and devoted dogs, honest to a fault dogs, brave dogs, trouble-prone dogs, hungry dogs, bad dogs, misunderstood dogs, understanding dogs, comforting dogs, and many more.
Among the stories, verse, dogs, and writers represented in this one of a kind collection are: Albert Payson Terhune and Bruce, Richard Harding Davis with the story of "The Bar Sinister," so good it has been made into a movie *twice!*Stanton Coblentz and his memorable poem, "Heritage," Dorthy Lundt and her touching account of "Dikkon's Dog" and the fate it meets at a remote army outpost, Bret Harte's droll tale of "The Yellow Dog," Mary E. Wilkins moving "The Lost Dog," plus "Dog Wanted," "A Railroad Dog," "A Dog's Life," "The Doings of David," The Surrender," "Character in Dogs," "To a Dog Grown Blind," and many others.
You will laugh, cry, and ponder as you listen to this delightful tribute to our dog companions. For, without them―and their doggy hearts―the world would be a colder, less interesting, and certainly less loving place. So here's to those doggone dogs!

Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

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