The Multi Benefits of Multitasking

Publié le 8 Décembre 2015

Everywhere you go you hear people say how little or no time they have and yet… little do they want to acknowledge how much –and so very much- time they’re wasting…

My whole life has been a race against the clock… of beating the clock… but I have a talent for multitasking… an easy task in most cases when you stop and think about it… and again most people do it without thinking… but not always for the better…

As for drinking and driving telephoning and driving is not multitasking… it is merely suicidal for oneself and for others…

If people worked out all the time they waste in useless telephoning they would be shocked to the core… or idling their time away… whiling their life away… wasting their time and life away…

There are just so many things we can do while our hands are busy… we could even help people with music therapy while working…

Before my parents got their dishwasher I was always lumbered with having to do the washing up… and hated it until the day I found out music was on my side… and how ‘a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down’… from then on I was aware of my multitasking skill and went on to use it all the more…

In the country and towns and cities today most people have to commute some distance to work and back… that precious can indeed be well invested in listening to music for pleasure or relaxation… listening to language or other training programmes… car polling with friends and use the time to socialise…

But instead of all that those people waste their time… and they tell me you always do so much or you always know so much… but how do they think I got there ?

I never have enough time despite my multitasking… and would even buy time if it came on offer…

And one thing where multitasking comes in handy is certainly learning…

We learn all the time and should learn all our life…

Times change and the world around us changes constantly whether we like it or not… whether we notice it or not… we have new machines and robots all the time… and systems change all the time… so we need to learn to use them…

Having do to do a lot of commuting myself up to fifty hours a week… I decided I wasn’t going to waste all that time… and put it to good use… a compulsive reader I was always reading… but I discovered that while I was reading I could listen to music to relax… or even when I was too tired to read… listen to an audio book…

Learning means repeating and having an audio support for our studies is a great asset we should never underestimated… our brains listen whether we pay attention or not… and we can learn and study merely by listen again and again passively as much as actively…

Reading and listening and learning while commuting allowed me more time when I was back home to spend on other household activities and the family…

Back home I could enjoy my music while dealing with all the trivia and paper work… we could listen to music or the radio while relaxing together… something the television doesn’t enable you to do… the screen is highly magnetising and eats up all our time and attention…

Multitasking call literally be done everywhere and at all times… one way or another… and save you time and energy… and even lots of money…

Remember… Time waits for no one – Michael JACKSON


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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Teaching - Training & Coaching in Words

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