I’ll Make A Go Of You

Publié le 2 Décembre 2013

I’ll make a go of you
Said the bird to the fish
I’ll have a go at you

But the fish out of the water was out of its depth
And the bird in the water ran out of air…

I’ll make a go of you
Said the water to the stone
I’ll have a go at you

But the stone rolled in the water to pebble
And the water ran downstream by the stone

I’ll make a go of you
Said the wood to the fire
I’ll have a go at you

But the wood burnt down to a cinder
And the fire went out for lack of fuel

I’ll make a go of you
Said the wind to the mountain
I’ll have a go at you

But the mountain stood her ground
And the wind travelled by the monument


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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Poésie - Poetry

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