Atlantis and the Collapse of Spirituality

Publié le 1 Septembre 2019

Atlantis and the Collapse of Spirituality

Voltaire would have said: ‘If Atlantis didn’t exist, somebody should invent it’… 



Various representations, forms and locationsof Atlantis have been offered to date depending on researchers, writers and reporters… depending on sources too… without ever providing help or evidence…  


Let us remember that the Earth we are looking at today has little to do with what it used to be… or will be in the future for that matter… its size has grown, its Moon has gone further from it into space, the connections between Earth and Moon have tremendously altered, the size and shapes of continents, lands and seas have are moving all the time beyond recognition… and so the whole configuration of this part of the Solar System and beyond… any serious study should take this into consideration… the same goes for studies on history, culture(s) and religion(s)… none does… which doesn’t make the case any the easier… 


Those changes have brought about changes in the size of the creatures roaming about the Earth, humans and plants included… slowed down the movements of tectonic plates, volcanoes and waters… 

The earth the Atlanteans knew way back when is no the one our eyes meet… this whole world is another -as theirs was- and they too changed it to suit them… to mention but a few, the air was cleaner and contained more oxygen, it was rare yet heavier to breathe, the water was not the one we drink but lighter and airier… 


The Sun the Moon and the Earth have affected Man in his body too… hence the changes in Man… 

We know now that the Atlantic Ocean used to be a continent… and I have shown that it was also the case for the Pacific Ocean, where men lived and loved… 



My Atlantean experiences


In a karmic regression session, I went back to an Atlantean life back 14 600 years ago of which I have maintained karmic links to date… no less than 3 members of my current life have followed me through… 


In one of my afternoon siestas, I met my first Atlantean, my Lady of Elche, who just materialised there and then… speechless and motionless… 


Another afternoon siesta yielded Anubis, appearing standing back to the wall, motionless, intently staring at the opposite wall… and, although the ceiling is only at 2, 40 m I knew he, like the Lady of Elche, is 3 metre tall… 

I made desperate efforts to attract his attention without any success every one of the 3 days he appeared… and on the third day, upon his third apparition, I suddenly saw a ring of astral light materialise above the bed in front of me, go round in circles between my hands, when I was taken away through the ring… before disappearing the ring and Anubis… the only physical evidence left of all this is I felt amazingly well and free from some of my health issues… 


Before them, another feminine creature, with a human head at the tip of a long brontosaurus-type neck, had made her way to my room twice… with a shiny milk-white body… who stood there grinning like a Cheshire cat… she too stood 3 metres… her presence remains a mystery… 



The ‘facts’


Some ethereal Sirians had found a way to take shape and come down to Earth, where they first were keepers of the Earth…  

The Atlanteans were originally giants… hence the size of their buildings and monuments… although they were originally nothing but vibrations…  which makes it difficult –not to say impossible- for humans to find any trace of them… just as the first patriarchs in the Bible… 


But, more than this, Atlantis is another dimension… at least in the beginning… and thus will most probably never be found again by Man… or only by the mere snippets of remains left behind by the lower Atlanteans just before their disappearance… their fall to materialism and intestine wars that took them to their death… 

Many of the Atlanteans only survived through the civilisations they started among men all throughout the world… 



Sheldan NIDLE announces that ‘900,000 years BC a human colony is founded on Earth, Lemuria’, ‘500,000 years BC the Lemurians found their own colonies… among of the main ones Atlantis, Mu and the colony of Libyan-Egyptian colony’… ‘100,000 years BC Atlantis, Mu and Libya-Egypt reach empire status but the Atlanteans go another from there on’… ‘The Atlanteans form alliances with the Pleiadians and the Alpha-Centaurians to develop their technology’… before they take it upon themselves to attack Lemuria yet Mu chased them away and they sought refuge in Shamballa… Atlantis then splits into 10 autonomous districts… between 25,000 and 15,000 BC a new form of government arises placed under divine authority…


All this goes to confirm that Atlantis, as recorded in Man’s history some 25,000 years to date, is that of the fallen angels… giants fallen into the disgrace that resulted in the Flood…

Before the first humans, the Atlanteans were all very tall and so they built big… 

In Hebrew the word Nephilim both means ‘giants’ and ‘fallen ones (from the sky)’, both in the proper and figurative speech… the ‘fallen ones’ are the fallen angels… or ‘those who make (others) fall’ (corrupting men’s souls)… and could be have fallen from the sky down the vibrational and dimensional ladder incarnate in giants’ bodies before downsizing to human scale… 



The 7 root-races


  1. Polar (Rmoahal - Lemurian origin)
  2. Hyperboreal (Tlavatli)
  3. Toltec
  4. Touranian
  5. Aryan
  6. Akkadian
  7. Mongol

The Atlanteans came down to Earth through 7 root-races, of which the 3rd were the Toltec… the 5th were the Aryans of today’s men, the 6th the Akkadians and the 7th the Mongols, falling ever deeper into the material world losing themselves to the spiritual and vibrational levels to lower themselves to the Man as we know him today… leaving a spiritual unity to reach a materialistic individuality coming from Sirius… 

A spiritual unity that united them to natural elements and a materialistic individualism which dissociated them their environment, while raising their ego free now to please itself… 


From pure spirits, the Atlanteans lowered their vibrations to experience material life… each and every one of their races stepping them down Jacob’s ladder down to their lowest least spiritual and most material expression of themselves… 

The Toltec, which in nahuatl language means ‘Master Builders’ or ‘Craftsmen’, soon understood the point of federating people in one republic… just as the ancient Greeks (and Plato is the author of his Republic)… 

The word ‘Toltec’ shows progress on the Chichimec ancestors… and ‘metropolis’ for the Aztec… but which ‘progress’ are we talking about ? Technological progress from where ? 

Let’s just remember that the Toltec were great builders… and a metropolis is a place that gathers people around one idea that extends into a republic… 

In the early 16thcentury, Bernardino de Sahagùn described the Toltec as being ‘very wise, fair, pious and rich… more important than today’s (16thcentury) people’… he reported that they had invented the counting of days… had their Toltec incarnation made the Atlanteans realise the need for counting days ? 


The Toltec recorded 4 to 5 time periods since the creation of the world and we are really the 5thif we count theirs in… making perfect sense… especially if we follow Hoerbiger’s theory… 

In their 1stperiod, their supreme god Tloque created the world, after 1,716 years, floods and thunder destroyed it…

In their 2ndperiod, the world was peopled with giants who disappeared almost entirely when earthquakes destroyed the Earth…

In their 3rdperiod, the Olmec and the Xicalancas lived on Earth. They killed the giants, who had survived… and that was when the mysterious Quetzalcoatl appeared and taught them civilisation and morals… disappointed in the lack of understanding of his message by men, he went east… foretelling the destruction of the world owing to storms and Man’s degeneration soon transformed into apes (fallen angles), physical materialisation of Man… a prophecy now come true… 

6 giant brothers saved themselves from the cataclysm and commemorated the event by building a zaculi, a tower that went up as high as to reach Heaven (see Tower of Babel, Jacob’s Ladder, spaceship, …) dedicated  to their water god Tlaloc (reminding us of the name of Tloque)… which the gods, offended, destroyed with flashes of lightening (flames of the ship taking off ?)… as God destroyed the Tower of Babel with flames… 


The Aztec were nahua people and spoke nahuatl and thus were akin to the Toltec… from whom they inherited their tongue, knowledge and culture… while taking after them from a historical point of view… 


The Aztec (who were apparently Venusians) were brought to Earth from their planet and, upon the arrival of Columbus’s ships, they were offer a return ticket… and, if some of them took it, most of them turned down… with the consequences we know… 


The Aztec were great mathematicians and astronomers… but apparently didn’t know the wheel… which they would have used yet in a complicated and sophisticated clockwork calendar of some 260 days… 

How could they have made such a bold mistake ? Strangely one only calendar was ever found… which was probably not Aztec at all besides all that… or maybe the one and only calendar the Aztec would have brought from their planet… a planet with a 260-day year of course… 


The Aztec always claimed they had arrived on Earth through a black hole, which they consider the ‘womb’ (vagina) of creation… 

Could this mysterious ‘womb’ be a wormhole in fact ? 

The mysterious origin and arrival seem to have been made up only to better hide them… to the point nobody knows anything about it to date… 


The Akkadians, as thought developers, understood the point of regulating the world (first writers of the Bible10 Commandments), the Mongols extracted the divinity (of Man among men) reinvesting the idea of prophet Mani or Manesh of the Persians, father of Manichaeism), of the 4thperiod…


As from the Aryans, which some place in our time period, the Atlanteans had entirely touched ground to the point any hope of ever returning was, by then and by them, forlorn… and their days were numbered… gone was the long eternal life they had once enjoyed… from immortals, their material physical human life had been severed to a mere approx. 70 years… owing to the severe drop in vibrations they had made themselves take… they became more mortal with every generation… 


The superior vibrational and spiritual Atlanteans now walked with the inferior material and physical humans : ‘And so the sons of God saw that the daughters of Man were fair and took them for wives among those they chose(Gen 6:2)’… giant beings and heroes with all the making of Atlanteans… 


The people from Sirius have that faculty of rationalising their experience… which brought about their downfall… with the raising of its vibrations their planet required a new perception… a new way of perceiving reality… the imbalance that result from this bore a devastating effect on them taking them to their loss… 



Atlantean Religion and spirituality


In the last days of Atlantis 2 sides are fighting… the Children of the Law of One, loyal to the immaterial and spiritual origins of the Atlanteans, on one side… and the Sons of Belial, followers of the last material, debauched and immoral races descended from Atlantis, on the other side… taking us back to the origins of the notions of good and evil… 


The first, VeryAncient,  Egyptians were Atlanteans just as were the ancient Americans (Toltec) Europeans (Aryans), and Asians (Akkadians and Mongols)… hence the similarities in the design of their building and monuments all over the world… the remains of Atlantean culture still lie everywhere…  


The Atlanteans originated, among other, from Sirius(Isis and Osiris) and that part of space… also where Orion (Sirius) is found… and Orionwas the Egyptian Seth… good and evil already back there and then… 

Osiris (Sirius) was also the first divine pharaoh to ever reign over Egypt… together with his son Horus… in the Beginning of Times (Ted Zepi)… 10 500 BC (recalculated with the precession of Earth and confirmed by erosion and geologists)… 


Back then, Egypt was deep in the Age of Taurus… under the Constellation of Taurus… hence the name given to Pharaoh of Mighty Bull… 

Beforehand, a long time before all this, Graham HANCOCK thinks the Egyptians had received all their knowledge passed down from a very highly advanced civilisation… of which the Sphinx was one of the main monuments dating back some 12,500 years ago…

Polytheist Ancient Egyptians gave us our 3 monotheist religions although the Atlantean filiation of their spirituality remains having been woven into the mesh of their landing… from spiritual to material… 

The lines are no longer as blurred… and the parallels become clearer and clearer… 


The first Atlanteans to come down to Earth were still living in the spiritual world… the were in total communion with their and the world around them, whether mineral, vegetal or spiritual… here on earth as well as those who had remained back home… 

While settling down on Earth they experienced a change both in their vibration and condition… coming to experience the physical world and nature t-led them further and further away –astray- from their original world and condition… they ended up actually losing their original faculties and skills while lowering their vibrations until they completed their migration into the human process… becoming human and lowering the vibrational level meant that they had to reengineer the world to suit their new status and conditions… their then human condition and status… they had to deal a new hand at the game of life… 


No sooner had they landed that they needed to manage their new condition and world… and the notion of individuality gave birth to the need for organising them into a nation as the Toltec… and, as soon as the nation is organised to rule in a democratic way (as in the famous Hammurabi Code) in their Akkadian cum Sumerian version paving the way for a proto-Bible in the making… to be shortly followed by the coming of Moses and the Ten Commandments delivered by a celestial god to earthly creatures in a material format (Tables of the Law)… 


The Mongols extracted the earthly divinity, Buddha followed by Jesus walking among men as a resurgence of the Persian prophet Mani cited above down in the 4thrace… and Christianity to rise from the previous ones with Jesus born of a man and yet Son of God preaching and teaching men love and civilisation… men losing themselves in the whims of their ego… 

Where men talk about evolution today, we realise we can actually only really talk about devolution… genuine evolution means a return to a spirituality leading nowhere else but to Ascension… 


As from the Aryans, the Atlanteans had really touched ground and Earth so much so that their return to their original spirituality condition was fatally chalked up to the point of failure… ET might want to call home but the Atlanteans didn’t even have a line anymore… some men are still trying to work their way walk… 

Worse still, they were, as recorded in legends, myths and religions found all over the world, punished for having fallen and cast to the Flood, which wiped most of them of the face of the world… saving only the best for last… to save the world… 


Some will tell you that we are indeed in the Age of Aryans, although I would tend to say we are in the Age of the Mongols… if whatever traces and evidence at our disposal, and provided they are genuine, reliable and understandable, yet they seem to remain the most logical… 


The Book of Baruch, in the Bible, depicts an early civilisation of decadent giantson their last leg of a lineage of highly developed giants… 

The first giants, fallen Atlanteans that they were, managed to have their own god through them to waste… destruction… maybe already back in Noah’s days… they misbehaved and so God’s wrath led them to extermination… 


From being giants, the Atlanteans also dramatically fell in size… to a more ‘human’ size… and the further down they went into matter, the more arguments arose between them, only ending up in mortal combat of brothers in arms… 


The disappearing of giants, animals, humans or humanoids is mostly owed to downsizing… those species have evolved each in their own way yet they have not altogether disappeared… 


This Earth is still in its growing process… and its gravity is gaining momentum… imposing its rules to sizes and weights as much as ways and means to ends most still fail to understand… the Moon, only 16,000 years closer to the Earth, is spinning its way away from us, leaving Earth freer and freer from its gravitational attraction… while Earth’s air and atmosphere are changing with the in and out consequences on life down here… 


The world in the early days of Atlantis looked more like one gigantic continent emerging from a planet of water on which it floated…


The Atlanteans were indeed really spiritual beings who went on down to experience a material life… 



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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Notre Monde et les Autres Mondes

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