
Publié le 29 Décembre 2013

I wish here to pay tribute to my narrators…. because they have also helped me… in more way than one and little do they suspect it…

They have lent me their voices and given me time… and all the while pushed my writing further… more than airing me they have given me voice and breath… and to a large extent breadth…

My narrators inspire me… push my pen further than I do even… and so we are making progress together…


I know it now… there is indeed a heaven for writers… and it’s filled with readers and narrators reading our writing… over and over… like angels watching over writers…


I tell tales and sometimes people believe them… believe in them… they board on my dream… and follow me… it’s crazy I know but then again it takes one to know one you know… and you know what I mean… you know how I feel… you know how I fill page after page with all those stories… that wherewithal… no denial… nowhere to run… nowhere to hide… you’ve just been told… you’ve just been sold… sold your soul to the devil… you can bet your bottom dollar on it… and try and put a fast buck on me… you know exactly where I’m coming from… from here on it’s only survival… law of the jungle… survival of the fittest…


Little do they know what they’re letting themselves in for… once in my lair… too late to come up for air… abandon all hope… returning… coming back for more is mere perversion… addiction… abandonship of one’s own volition… without any condition on their condition… absorption… mere abortion of will power…


Listening to my stories being narrated is both a humbling and enthralling event… narrators complement and supplement my writing… and I should always be so thankful to them for that… and the greater pleasure of our readers and listeners…



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Rédigé par Jesse CRAIGNOU

Publié dans #Présentation - Introduction

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